
十章- 孝,悌,忠,信,礼,义,廉,耻,仁,智
八则- 不欺 ,不伪 ,不贪 ,不妄 ,不骄 ,不怠 ,不怨 ,不恶

Ten Virtues

孝     顺敬双亲 劬劳报恩 人子事亲 顺承意命 克尽天良
Filial Piety : is the cornerstone of the Chinese culture – unconditional love for your parents is the most natural instinct of a child’s development. Another truism that is, children are to be inculcated with this Virtue at a very young age as environment will shape their behavior and character during their life journey.

悌     手足情深 恭兄友弟 兄友弟恭 穆穆棣棣 和气相亲

Brotherly Love : this goes beyond siblings. it extends to your neighbour, colleague, country and the entire human race. After all we are one family of humanity. This is best described in the Ten Commandments, “Love your neighbour as yourself!” that sums it all!

忠     尽责力行 事持坚贞 谒诚尽责 献身国族 正直无私

Loyalty : extends not only to individuals. iIt extends to the organisations which you belong; the place which you work; the community you live in; and the country that provides you with a stable, secure and comfortable living. 

信     履约崇实 言出必行 一诺千金 言重九鼎 诚实毋疑

Sincerity : be truthful and sincere in your dealings and conduct with yourself and others. It is only when words and deeds are in unison that you earn the trust and respect of others. You would have heard these sayings, “walking the talk and “practice what you preach” !

礼     伦常宗守 蹈矩循规 分别尊卑 谦恭逊让 言行安份

Courtesy : it is the root of the Confucius teaching. It encompasses respecting the elders and protecting the young.

义     公道合理 贯彻初衷 患难相扶 荣辱与共 无分贵贱

Justice : carry out your duties with fairness and impartiality. Uphold the law and truth without fear or favor.

廉     俭朴不苟 清白毋贪 知足常乐 操守高洁 俭朴节约

Frugality : lead a pure, honest and simple life and not bound by constant struggle for materialistic desires, power and recognition.

耻     私欲有戒 心身知辱 不贪财色 知足常乐 明所羞惭

Sense of shame : do not be tempted by financial desire and material wealth. Be able to take responsibility for own mistakes and errors of judgment to learn from them and improve yourself.

仁     天道博爱 毋轻伤残 爱已及人 体恤天物 博遵人道

Benevolence: be generous to those who are in need and those who are disadvantaged to relive them from suffering.


智      聪明悉辨 力学求知 广求见识 审察是非 奋发自励

Wisdom: constantly in search of knowledge and understanding of humanity to spread virtuous deeds, mutual trust, respect and understanding to promote peace, harmony and relieve suffering.

Eight Precepts

不欺 诚恳待人 无虚无诈

DO not cheat : That is not to deceive others to benefit yourself and profit from it.

不伪 莫存歹念 佈公开诚

Do not pretend : That is be who you are and not to pretend who you are not as truth will always prevail.

不贪 知足常乐 安贪知命

Do not be greedy : That is, the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. Frugality is the virtue that encourages self-sufficiency and refrains from excessive demand for material wealth or gain.
不妄 正心格欲  言行守身
Do not be preposterous : That is the intense desire or money, food, fame, power or sex.

不骄  温存谦让 虚怀纳善

Do not be arrogant : That is believing that one is essentially better that other, falling to acknowledge the accomplishment ot others, and excessive admiration of the personal self.
不怠 克勤戒奢  勤力功成
Do not be lazy : That is avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
不怨 怒人消恨 莫存在胸
Do not be resentful : That is the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities or situation.

不恶 摒弃怨怒 去憎通情

Do not be evil : that is inordinate and uncontrolled feeling of hatred and anger. Hatred and anger are negative feelings that prevent you from thinking and acting rationally and compassionately.